I’d thought I’d chat about writing what you don’t know. Yes, you read that right. The stuff I know is pretty dull – well, to sustain my interest through a 90,000 word book, it is. I’d rather write what I don’t know. Every book for me is a learning experience, a step into the unknown, new and exciting. Hopefully that sense of excitement is transferred to my readers.
I’m also a real stickler for making sure I do things properly, so lots of research into my subjects, site visits, and talking to experts. I hate it when an inaccuracy pulls me out of a story so I try really hard to get things right.
In Renovation, Renovation, Renovation, I had to research the contemporary details, where Myrtle Cottage would be, planning laws, boy bands, financial stuff and listed building consents. I had to research the historical stuff too, costumes for my ghosts, their way of life, speech patterns, politics and food. Then there were the paranormal elements. I visited a haunted cottage with two mediums, watched a séance and took part in a cleansing of the cottage.
I went to an English Civil War re-enactment, handled weapons, cook pots, clothing from the period. I talked to the archaeologists who were excavating Shakespeare’s garden at Stratford-Upon-Avon and visited the dig.
I learned a lot, much, much more than you’ll see in the book but I know I’ve done my best to get the details right so hopefully when you read Renovation, Renovation, Renovation that sense of excitement and adventure will be there waiting.

After renovating twelve houses in seven years Kate wanted a ring on her finger and the forever house.
Instead of her dream home and her dream man, she lands house number thirteen, Myrtle Cottage. A crumbling seventeenth century money pit.
Trapped by the credit crunch on yet another renovation project with her now very ex boyfriend, Steve, will she ever find the forever love she’s after or will it just be more renovation, renovation, renovation?
Nell Dixon is a Black Country author, married to the same man for over twenty-five years she has three daughters, a tank of tropical fish and a cactus called Spike. Winner of the RNA’s prestigious Romance Prize in 2007 and 2010, she writes warm-hearted contemporary romance for a number of publishers in the US and the UK including Myrmidon Press, Samhain Publishing, Little Black Dress, Astraea Press, E-Scape Press and Freya’s Bower. Her latest titles include Just Look at Me Now, Making Waves and September Song.
Visit her website at http://www.nelldixon.com or follow her on Twitter or Facebook
Hi Nell, this story sounds great and I look forward to reading it.
Maggie, thank you for inviting Nell to your blog.
I'd also rather read what I don't know. No one wants to read the same things again & again. So, well done. Your book looks wonderful.
Thanks, Latesha.
Hopefully readers will find this story is a little different, Marybelle. There'll be more snippets and stuff going on at my blog all this week. http://nelldixonrw.blogspot.com
Hi Latesha! Thanks for dropping by! I'm lucky to have Nell that's for sure!
Nell - thank you so much for being my guest today. I for one love to write about people and places I haven't been too. The imagination can be so much more vivid than reality!
I really love your cover and the concept for your book..its on my TBB list for sure!
Thank you for having me, Maggie.
I'm always amazed at all the research an author goes to in order to write a book. And I think that's a good motto to write by....write what you don't know. Sometimes while I'm reading a book I wonder is this what this author really knows? Enjoyed the blog.
Thanks, Jackie, glad you enjoyed it.
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