Tuesday, 22 June 2010

50k30days progress


Yesterday (Monday for me) was a particularly bad day for me at my day job :-(  So bad vibes and mood meant no writing.  I am also doing an online course on...well....online learning...LOL..and the software the company uses doesn't work on Mac.  So I had to install Bootcamp and Windows on my MacBook Pro.  Well, let's just say it is a good idea to read every line in the instructions :-)  By the time I got it sorted, it was after midnight, so no writing for me.


I am now home from the day job again, so I plan on trying to do at least 1k tonight.  We'll see...

I need to be more positive about it...I will write 1k...I will write 1k...I will write 1k...before bed tonight!

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